CCEF Advisories & Updates
Periodically, CCEF issues bulletins, advisories and analyses of major changes to public policy, tax law, litigation, and other issues affecting the foundation movement in California. Listed below are some of most pertinent and topical. In the new “Members Only” section coming soon, CCEF will post additional resources, studies, and fact sheets to assist our members in their work with local education foundations.
Advisory on Permissible Political Activities, click here for .pdf
2009-10 LEF Organizational Snapshot, click here for .pdf
CCEF Advisory on Standards & Practices, click here for .pdf

Kevin Gordon, president of School Innovations & Advocacy, briefs attendees at CCEF’s 1012 annual conference on the state of school finance and politics in California.

At the 2012 CCEF Annual Conference, Stanford Professor and State Board of Education President Michael Kirst discusses the role of foundations in supporting education reform and the proposed weighted funding formula being debated in the Legislature.