How To Start A Foundation

Below are the basic steps in establishing a local education foundation. For detailed information and resources email CCEF at:

  1. Establish a core leadership group
  2. Define your reason for Being
  3. Share your plans with school and community leaders
  4. File for tax-exempt status
  5. Develop by-laws
  6. Recruit a board that reflects your community
  7. Establish committees and draft policies
  8. Develop a priority project list and an allocations process
  9. Create a fundraising plan and outline --identifying your unique resources
  10. Raise funds and friends through foundation activities
  11. Celebrate your success and evaluate your progress

"Starting an Education Foundation"

A CCEF booklet based on our 25 years of experience. The cost is $24 including shipping


"Education Foundation Fundamentals Workshop"

CCEF offers a one-day intensive workshop with a series of comprehensive workshop sessions. A reference binder is provided to all attendees. An upcoming workshop is being planned and details will appear here.